Work experience

In the salary assessment application portal (the portal), you'll need to upload copies of documents that give evidence of your relevant past work experience

If you've uploaded any documents that haven't yet been certified, arrange a time to show your principal the originals so that they can certify them in the portal while they sign-off your application.  

Check with your principal whether previous teaching or work experience is relevant to your new role, before requesting information from a previous employer.

You'll need to provide a statement of service or other evidence for:

  • paid employment as a teacher overseas, in the NZ private sector or early childhood sector
  • paid or unpaid employment, related to the teaching position you work in or are about to work in, that doesn't qualify as teaching experience eg sports coaching  
  • Voluntary Service Abroad (VSA), if you held a teaching certificate while in your VSA teaching role. 

Paid employment in a NZ state or state integrated school does not require documentation as it will already be recorded in the school's payroll.

Voluntary teaching experience (other than VSA) is not considered relevant for a salary assessment application. 

If you are applying using an EP7, the requirements are the same, except that each document will need to be a certified copy before they are emailed to Education Payroll with your completed form.

Ministry of Education guidelines assess whether your previous employment qualifies as either teaching experience or work experience. 

Salary Assessment

Go to the Salary Assessment Portal