Leave without pay (LWOP)

LWOP is an abbreviation for the term 'Leave Without Pay'.

An approved leave without pay booking (of a type listed below) can only be loaded in EdPay if it falls no more than one pay period in the past or in the current or a future pay period. To book leave without pay taken in earlier pay periods, use an EP12 form. See EdPay and forms

When retrospective leave without pay is to be booked, the salary for the unpaid leave days will be deducted from the current pay. Therefore, complete an EP12 form if the employee's current pay is insufficient to cover the adjustment, as the employee will be in an overpayment situation. This will always be the case when a fortnight or more of leave without pay is booked.

Leave code Description
BRVWO Bereavement/tangihanga leave without pay
MILWO Military training leave without pay
MLWOP Maternity leave without pay
PARWO Parental leave without pay
REFWO Refreshment leave without pay
SLWOP Sick leave without pay
STRIK Strike without pay
SUSWO Suspension unpaid
UNWOP Union leave without pay